Saturday, January 17, 2009

NYCC Iti-pinehead Earthday edition by Itokin Park

1. name: Iti-pinehead earthday edition. (for NYCC only)
2. quantity: 70 pcs
3. size: 5 inches
4. price: $55
5. package: windowed box
6. designer name: Itokin Park
7. availability: Kuso Designer Toys LLC booth #966

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Himalan GID coming soon!!

Waiting is almost ended!! KusoVinyl is going to have a few of GID Himalan available this week. Quanties are very very limited!!! Pre-order will start tomorrow 01/07/2009 @ 12 PM (PST). All figures are on first come and frist serve basis. Strictly limited 1 per customer!! Priced at $88.

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